Mother Mantras of the 16 MBTI® Types

Because it’s almost Mother’s Day in the US, I thought it would be fun to write mantras that mothers of different MBTI® types may have.  As always, these short descriptions are in no way meant to be a comprehensive look at any type as a mother.  They are meant to amuse and entertain while perhaps giving a bit of insight.

If you’d like to read more about this topic, I recommend you check out the book I used as a resource in writing this info-graphic, MotherStyles: Using Personality Type to Discover Your Parenting Strengths by Janet Penley.

Mother Mantras





  1. Renee

    I wonder whether this provides insight to what each of my children are looking for in a from their mother? I have ESTJ, ISFP and a E/INFP child. I havevread their what their mantra’s might be as parents and wonder if that is what they need from me.

    1. Sadie (Post author)

      That’s great insight, Renee! If you are interested in kids and type, I would suggest you read, Nurture by Nature by Paul Tieger and Barbara Barron-Tieger. It describes children by type from birth through high school. As for this article relating, I think it could be a great way to start a conversation on the topic, and see what they say. Kudos to you for thinking the way you are, and Happy Mother’s Day! I am happy to answer any questions I can. 🙂


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