Sadie Young (INFJ) is a Myers-Briggs® Master Practitioner from the Atlanta area, who has been using the MBTI® since 2006. She thrives off of watching individuals gain understanding of themselves and others by learning about their own types and the types of those they work and live with. Sadie is dedicated to the ethical use of the MBTI® instrument with businesses, colleges, other entities, and individuals.
- Certified in the use of MBTI® Step I, Step II, and one the first 70 people certified in the use of Step III
- Certified in the use of the Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children (MMTIC)
- Licensed Associate Professional Counselor (LAPC) in the state of Georgia
- National Certified Counselor (NCC)
- Extensive use of type theory in training salespeople and store managers to improve performance based on individual styles of selling and managing at Mattress Firm
- Developed and implemented MBTI® trainings on topics from communication to conflict resolution to healthcare communication to leadership for use with faculty, staff, and student groups at the University of West Georgia and other institutions.