In the zombie apocalypse, ISFPs will likely be very concerned with keeping their own safe and as comfortable as possible. If they have others in their group, they will likely bring comfort, kindness, and patience to those around them, and they will bring a practical and person centered perspective to the group.
ISFPs may not be drawn to seeking a leadership in the group of which they are apart. If they end up in a leadership position, ISFPs are certainly capable of being good leaders. That being said, personal loss, extended stress, pressure to protect others, and the honorificness of the zombie apocalypse may be enough to break them for a time.
In thinking about the characters on The Walking Dead, you may have guessed that the first person who comes to mind as meeting the description of an ISFP is Rick Grimes. He is a good illustration of what a type looks like under reasonable circumstances and under extreme stress. Please note that hallucinations are in no way related to being an ISFP. What do you think?
Want to read descriptions of ISFPs in pre-apocalyptic, or normal, conditions? Visit The 16 Types – ISFP page.
Personality Playbook is in no way affiliated with The Walking Dead, nor is the person writing this a zombie.

I’d say Rick is more of an INFJ because he’s a quiet natural leader, who likes to work behind the scenes as much as possible. His psychotic breaks from reality are very Ni like too.
As an INFJ, I must say that I considered the type for Rick, but I didn’t feel it fit. As a counselor, I have to say that I can’t correlate psychotic breaks with type… I think individuals of any type can go through a break. Even if you just want to say that he was in the grip, INFJs inferior preference is Extraverted Sensing… If an INFJ is going to be outside of reality, we are more likely to do that in a non-stressed state, but it’s much more imaginative than psychotic. 🙂
Beth is more of an ISFP, I think.
Beth was a tough one for me… Especially since, when I wrote this, we hadn’t seen much of her personality.
Wow I completely agree with you on all the walking dead characters!! You’re the first person online, that I’ve seen, who got all the characters right. All these were really interesting too, good job! 🙂
Thank you so much, Grayson!! I watch every episode several times and study closely. 😉