In the zombie apocalypse, INTJs will want to keep their families close and safe. They may be somewhat skeptical of trusting others to join them, but they can be won over by individuals who show themselves not to be harmful. INTJs may be a part of a larger group, but they may prefer to keep their family unit separate from others.
As the apocalypse progresses, INTJs will likely envision logical and creative ways to protect themselves and their loved ones. These may be complex systems that can be used to trap or kill zombies, or they may be creative ways to provide sustenance and supplies to their loved ones. Either way, the INTJs may come up with ideas and carry them out as one man shows, and they may very well show strokes of genius!
In looking at the characters on The Walking Dead, the character that most stands out as meeting the description of an INTJ is Morgan. Now, you may be thinking that Morgan is one of the many characters whose cheese has slid off his cracker. I am not going to argue with that, but I will say that this state was not caused by being an INTJ. I will also say that his brilliance seems to have transcended his mental state. What do you think?
Want to read descriptions of INTJs in pre-apocalyptic, or normal, conditions? Visit The 16 Types – INTJ page.
Personality Playbook is in no way affiliated with The Walking Dead, nor is the person writing this a zombie.