In the zombie apocalypse, ESFJs will likely use their loving toughness to keep their families and others around them safe and as comfortable as possible. It is likely that they will try to keep life as “normal” (or pre-apocalyptic) as possible because, despite the terror going on in the world, they want those around them to have the happiest life possible. This may involve cooking meals, trying to keep others in clean clothes, and taking charge of other practical and people oriented matters.
ESFJs may place focus on continuing traditions, such as surrounding death and mourning, and they will certainly want to keep as much order as possible. They will also probably be vocal with their opinions on matters of values… especially where values meet practicality.
In looking at the characters on The Walking Dead, the first person who comes to mind as most closely matching the description of an ESFJ is Lori Grimes. I know some of you may think Lori is a terrible mother, but I promise you that any poor mothering skills she may have are not the result of being an ESFJ. ESFJs can make great mothers (and fathers and people for that matter).
Want to read descriptions of ESFJs in pre-apocalyptic, or normal, conditions? Visit The 16 Types – ESFJ page.
Personality Playbook is in no way affiliated with The Walking Dead, nor is the person writing this a zombie.