During the zombie apocalypse, ENTPs will likely be logical idea factories for keeping their group safe and for building a future. For that matter, they will also likely want to jump in and improve upon the ideas of others in creative and visionary ways. They may design traps for zombies or devise creative ways of killing them. Perhaps they will think up interesting ways to get food. They may not be the individuals who ultimately carry out the plans they come up with, but they will certainly consult on and improve the process and product.
ENTPs are know to speak up and share their ideas, and the zombie apocalypse is no exception. They are not afraid to say when they believe a process will not work or when they see problems in systems, and this usually helps systems to be more refined, logical, and useful
In looking at the characters of The Walking Dead, there does not seem to be a character who fits the description of an ENTP. Disagree? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment box.
Want to read descriptions of ENTPs in pre-apocalyptic, or normal, conditions? Visit The 16 Types – ENTP page.
Personality Playbook is in no way affiliated with The Walking Dead, nor is the person writing this a zombie.

i believe that Merle may be ENTP
Interesting, Trevor! I am curious to know what it is about Merle that sends you in that direction? I see him as an action guy much more than an idea guy, and I have him listed as an ESTP… I’d be curios to see what you make of that description.
i see some ENTP qualities in him like how he always tends to remain independant and is always on the go. He adapts well to his change of surroundings, he even adapted to only having one arm by attaching a sharp object to his nub. that was innovative. Also that trick he did with the car radio to lure walkers (before he met his demise) was a pretty innovative move. He shows alot of Ne.
but then again he could also be 50-50 S and N
Negan, from the comic series and soon in the television show, is a clear ENTP. And he’s survived pretty well.
I had a hunch that he was, based on descriptions. I haven’t read the comics, so I will make sure to add him after he has been in a couple of episodes… Hopefully killing some random new person in place of the expected person… I can dream, right?!